
KannaMill is a grinder designed specifically to meet the challenges of commercially processing cannabis. The KannaMill offers the same operational capabilities of larger size reduction equipment at a fraction of the price, and is configured specifically for cannabis particle size reduction. It is completely portable, and can plug into a standard 110-120V outlet with no need for special electrical service.

The KannaMill has a rotor assembly with fixed hammers designed to pulverize without overfiberization, eliminating the need to manually de-stem pre-roll material. It has been engineered specifically to produce the uniform particle size distribution perfect for downstream extraction, prerolls or edibles, and can produce perfectly sized materials at rates up to 100 lbs/hour when continuously fed.

KannaMill comes standard with an Air-Assist package and Anti-Resin System for improved size reduction, product flow, and throughput. The Anti-Resin system deals specifically with the unique challenge of running material with the notoriously high-resin content of cannabis.

KannaMill is available in differing trim levels to assist in meeting regulatory requirements, including NSF/ANSI Std. 51 food grade construction.

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