BioActive CannaCharger

OMRI listed to support organic integrity, BioActive CannaCharger is scientifically formulated and tested. It contains the necessary minerals, nutrients, fertility and biology for all stages of plant growth, from the vegetative phase through transplanting, budding and flowering, and final hardening.

BioActive CannaCharger is ready-to-use and requires no further inputs. Its 100-percent plant-based compost contains essential nutrients and beneficial organic matter that may naturally increase plants’ uptake of nutrients and water. 

Ingredients include proprietary Purple Cow Compost, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, bone and kelp meal, sulfate of potash, aerobically composted poultry litter, calcium sulfate dihydrate and volcanic ash. Tested for consistency and purity, BioActive CannaCharger is weed-seed and pathogen-free and supports the goal of cultivating “cleanly” grown flowers and extracted compounds for human consumption, whether inhaled or ingested. 

BioActive CannaCharger is available in 2 CY Supersacks, 1 CF bags and bulk truckloads to commercial growers nationwide and is packaged for sale at select retail garden centers in Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Ohio and Michigan.
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