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HyperLogic Heavy Industrial Series

HyperLogic offers industrial equipment to address increasing demand for large-scale water filtration. Utilizing 8” diameter Reverse Osmosis membranes housed in high-pressure fiberglass vessels, the HyperLogic Heavy Industrial series produces consistent, high quality water suitable for large greenhouses, indoor facilities and outdoor farms at flow rates of 29,000-460,000 gallons per day.

The Heavy Industrial Series can be remotely controlled and monitored with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), allowing the RO to fully integrate into your facility, reducing maintenance time and expenses. The data acquisition feature analyzes system diagnostics to greatly improve operational efficiencies. It also has an Alarm Notification feature that sends messages and alarms your cell phone or email, greatly reducing the chance of any possible downtime. These units are hyper-efficient and can be run at an amazing 5 parts of RO product water to 1 parts of waste water.

Additionally, the Heavy Industrial series comes standard with a Clean In Place (CIP) system that simplifies the membrane cleaning process, drastically increasing the lifespan of the membranes and improving your return on investment. The CIP also doubles as a permeate flush system, automatically immersing the membranes in RO water when the system is not running, which assures consistently low PPM product water at all times.

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