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Excessive Heat Cannabis Crops
In 2022, Outdoor Cannabis and Hemp Growers Braced for and Encountered Climate Change Effects
Severe weather events, such as drought, wildfires, heat waves and hurricanes have impacted cannabis production and motivated employee health and safety protocols.
Texas A&M AgriLife Researchers to Develop New Hemp Varieties
The researchers received a two-year $201,174 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop the hemp cultivars.
California DCC Requests Cultivators Reduce Energy Loads Due to High Temperatures
The state’s regulators are asking cannabis license holders to consider turning off lights and significant energy sources and using a backup generator if available.
How to Handle Greenhouse Temperature Swings
Recent summers have delivered record temperatures to all of California, including both the southern and northern regions, and 2021 has been no exception.
Pacific Northwest Growers Can Protect Plants from Heat Waves and Still Have a Good Harvest
With extreme heat come other obstacles like reduced access to water, wildfire smoke and declining worker morale.
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