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Best Climate for Growing Hemp
Researchers Wrap Up 2nd Year of Hemp Breeding Study Aimed at Optimizing Genetics for Domestic Farmers
Cornell University recently received two grants to support a three-year research program meant to streamline hemp cultivation for grain, fiber and CBD production in various U.S. regions.
How to Prepare Your Outdoor Cannabis Grow for Early Winter Storms
As the climate changes and becomes more volatile, growers must learn to expect the unexpected, such as fierce hailstorms or unseasonably early snowstorms.
Texas Prepares to Capitalize on Hemp Fiber, Grain Production Next Year
The Lone Star State is using 2020 as a trial run for more ambitious market goals.
Looking Ahead to the Commodities Market in the Hemp Industry: Q&A with Andrew Graves
The hemp market continues to settle as farmers look to the 2020 season.
Halifax County, Va., Secures $250,000 Grant to Fund Hemp Processor Facility
Project Phoenix promises help for an ailing supply chain in southern Virginia.
Supply Chain Bottlenecks Remain Concern as Pennsylvania Hemp Growers Look to 2020 Season
Where farmers grew about 4,000 acres of hemp in 2019, much of that supply is languishing in storage warehouses, victim to an early boom in hemp production.
Cannabis Conference Pricing Deadline Extended to Jan. 10
Now that we're on the far side of the holiday season, the Cannabis Conference team is extending its Early Bird registration deadline (originally Dec. 27) to Jan. 10.
USDA’s Interim Final Rule on Hemp and Current Federal Law: How States Are Choosing to Respond
States must implement the IFR either by developing production plans or adopting USDA’s plan from the IFR. But some states are choosing to postpone this decision.
Projections: U.S. Leads in Global Hemp Cultivation
The U.S. hemp-derived CBD market is expected to reach $23.7 billion by 2023, up from the current value of $5 billion, according to Brightfield Group.
Diversify & Differentiate
East Fork Cultivars’ executive team took a bad hand and turned it into a business like few others in the cannabis industry.
How to Prevent Cross-Pollination on Your Cannabis or Hemp Farm
Conduct your own trials and make sure you—and your neighbors—can find and cull male plants.
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