KINGSTON, New York, September 28, 2022 - PRESS RELEASE - The BOD of the U.S. Hemp Building Association (USHBA) voted to appoint Henry Gage Jr. as president and Ryan Doherty as vice president Sept. 2.
RELATED: '2023 is the Year': Q&A With U.S. Hemp Building Association President Henry Gage Jr.
“It was an honor to serve as director of certifications and work with the team as we prepared and supported Proposal RB316-22, our hemp-lime proposal before the International Code Council in April. I am humbled to receive this vote of confidence from my peers as we accelerate our work with legislators, industry leaders, and members to establish hemp-lime as a new material in U.S. construction. By working with universities and industry representatives, members are creating new products and services,” Gage said.