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Canadian-based Aphria and Fort Lauderdale's Delavaco Group Close Deal on Florida MMJ Facility

The company and firm will manage Chestnut Hill Farms, and also hopes to establish dispensaries throughout the state.

There’s a new player in Florida’s medical marijuana industry, and it’s got South Florida ties.

On Wednesday, a company affiliated with Canadian cannabis operator Aphria and Fort Lauderdale-based equity firm Delavaco Group announced that it has closed on an agreement to manage Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, one of seven medical marijuana growers and distributors in the state.

The deal has been approved by the Florida Department of Health, according to a press release.

RELATED: Florida Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Implementing Bill

Under the arrangement, a company operating as Aphria USA will manage the operations of Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, a nursery that does business as CHT Medical. That includes the “cultivation, processing, and dispensing of medical cannabis to patients within the State of Florida” and “the exclusive benefits of the finances from Chestnut’s operation.”

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