Is investing in medical marijuana too risky?

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

Editor's Note: At the same time as caution is warranted, the lure of dispensaries making tens of thousands of dollars in a day (especially when it comes to recreational MJ sales) actually can be difficult to ignore. MJ businesses sure are popping up like daisies in what some have called the "dot-bong" era. But add to this the risk still inherent in selling a federally illegal product (even medically speaking) and a 2016 election that could, potentially, turn the legalized MJ industry on its head. Still, the opportunities that exist as the MJ market is poised to continue to grow are likely to continue to draw investors and entrepreneurs by the boatload. And as with any market, there is significant risk, for sure, but also enormous potential for profit. 

Tampa, FL -- With so much talk these days about medical marijuana, there are those who may try to speculate and get in on the business.

And as it turns out there's no shortage of people out there willing to take your money.

But financial experts warn you should probably be cautious about the lure of big pot profits.

"Would I consider investing in it? Yeah, if it made me money, of course," said Michael Baum, a young worker who would like to be part of any big industry boom.

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