2020 Will Be a Big Year for Inventors in the Industry: Latest Cannabis News

As always, the fast-paced news cycle in this industry will help business owners guide their goals for the year ahead.

Soru Epotok/Adobe Stock
Soru Epotok/Adobe Stock

We’re heading into the end of 2019, and cannabis business owners have an opportunity now and in the coming weeks to take stock of what’s happened this year and what sort of goals may be helpful for the next 12 months. As always, the fast-paced news cycle in this industry will help guide those plans.

Here are some of the latest headlines to get you started today.

Black Market, High Taxes Hurting California's Legal Cannabis Industry (Cheddar)

He Went From Buffalo Wings to Cannabis and Became the Talk of L.A.’S Marijuana Industry (Los Angeles Times

This LA Times story is a great look at how businessman Karim Webb has played a central role in social equity cannabis business license applicants' plans. Who is he? And what's really happening with the strange, slow roll-out of Los Angeles' social equity licensing process?

The Marijuana Industry Is Ripe for Inventors (Inc) 

Columbus Dispensary Tries to Fill Medical Marijuana Research Gap (Columbus Dispatch)

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