Weekend Unlimited Inc. Announces Details of Northern Lights Organics Acquisition

Northern Lights Organics is a 600-acre farm dedicated to organic hemp and cannabis cultivation.

VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA (October 19th, 2018) – PRESS RELEASE – Weekend Unlimited Inc. has announced the details of its acquisition of Northern Lights Organics in Fort St. James, British Columbia. 

“Northern Lights Organics farm spans over 600 acres of organic soils to grow organic hemp for CBD and outdoor organic cannabis,” said Cody Corrubia, Weekend Unlimited Inc.'s president and CEO. “Organic cannabis generally commands a 24-percent premium and is preferred by consumers. There are only three licensed producers currently that are organic, which puts this acquisition in a prime position to lead the industry in the hemp, CBD offerings."

As indicated in the company’s listing statement, Weekend Unlimited has acquired 100  percent of Northern Lights Organics Ltd. through a wholly owned subsidiary. This acquisition closed on or by Oct. 10, 2018. 

Northern Lights Organics Acquisition Details:

  • Weekend Unlimited Inc., through Northern Lights Organics Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary, has an option to approximately one section (640 acres) of organic farm lands located at Fort St. James, BC; together with a three-year option to purchase the land.
  • Weekend Unlimited Inc. paid 18 million post consolidation shares for the acquisition of Northern Lights Organics Ltd, all which are subject to a three-year escrow release period.
  • Weekend Unlimited has agreed to issue an additional 3 million post consolidation performance shares in relation to the acquisition of Northern Lights Organics Ltd. Upon the achievement of various milestones, such as the issuance of a cultivation license and completion of a 100,000-square-foot expansion greenhouse as part of a phase two expansion, Weekend will issue up to $1,700,000 worth of Weekend’s common shares, priced at the prevailing market prices, if and when, such milestones are reached.  
  • Phase one construction of a 68,000-square-foot greenhouse and processing building, with an approximate cost of $11,000,000, is scheduled to commence during the Spring of 2019 with a planned completion in late 2019 of “the Northern Lights Organics Campus.”
  • Weekend Unlimited anticipates financing the construction of the Northern Lights Organics Campus in part through a combination of equity or debt offerings.
  • The lease of the farm will commence upon the attainment of certain milestones, and once in effect will be five years in term. During the term of the lease, Weekend anticipates exercising the option to purchase the lands. The base monthly lease payments are $4,000, subject to increases based on milestones.
  • The above is an arms length transaction and no finder’s fees were involved.

Northern Lights Organics Highlights:

  • With the agricultural rich land and certified organic farming expertise, Northern Lights strives to become one of Canada’s first CBD focused hemp and cannabis farms, grown from certified organic soils with final products certified organic.
  • Up to 120 acres of land is anticipated to be used for outdoor organic hemp cultivation during the 2019 growing season.
  • Indoor cannabis cultivation is planned to be housed in the Northern Lights Organics Campus, a 68,000-square-foot purpose-built hybrid greenhouse facility with craft style grow rooms and rolling table automation.
  • The Northern Lights Organics Campus will include veg, clone and genetics rooms and an extraction facility for Cannabis and CBD hemp oils and concentrates.
  • As of early October, a license application has been submitted to Health Canada by Northern Lights Organics Ltd relating to the Northern Lights Organics Campus.
  • Northern Lights Organics expects to receive its cultivation license prior to the end of 2019, although there is no guarantee that the license will be obtained.
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