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California Bill to Ban Marijuana Edibles in Shape of Gummy Bears Moves Forward

AB350 would prevent California companies from selling marijuana edibles made in the shape of a person, animal, insect or fruit.

Recreational marijuana is soon going to be legal in California, but some state lawmakers don’t want edible cannabis to look like candy, which would greatly appeal to children.

A bill, introduced by Assemblyman Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield), passed final legislative approval on Thursday and was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown for consideration. In 2016, Brown said he opposed the legalization of marijuana, but this April, he signed a proposal that would allow marijuana companies to apply for multiple licenses to grow, manufacture, distribute and sell their products.

 UPDATE: California Governor Vetoes Bill Barring Marketing of Edibles to Children

Specifically, AB350 would prevent California companies from selling marijuana edibles made in the shape of a person, animal, insect or fruit – and that definitely includes gummy bears.

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