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Sonoma to Hold Second Town Hall on Cannabis Regulation

City leaders will explain state and local policies on legalized cannabis.

The second of two “town halls” on the ever-smoldering subject of cannabis in Sonoma takes place tomorrow, Wednesday April 11, to explain state and local policies on legalized cannabis, and gauge local preferences and priorities in cannabis regulation.

The first meeting was held on March 28, in the same venue – Andrews Hall at the Sonoma Community Center. This second meeting will focus on answering questions from the prior Town Hall, especially those related to the state-mandated cannabis buffer zones from schools and youth facilities as defined by local governments.

About 40 people were in the hall for that first meeting, as well as four of the five city councilmembers, two representatives from Muni Services – the consulting firm helping the city wade through the regulatory weeds – and a handful from city government, including Planning Director David Goodison and City Manager Cathy Capriola.

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