Nutrient Knowledge and Purchasing Factors

One notable contrast in this year’s “State of the Cannabis Nutrients Market” report, compared to the 2019 study, is that fewer cultivators indicated they are confident in their nutritional knowledge. On a scale of 0 (not knowledgeable) to 5 (very knowledgeable), 66% of this year’s participants selected 4 or 5—compared to 76% who did so in the 2019 report.

As far as what cultivators prioritize when choosing which nutrients to use, “results/performance” is key—two-thirds of cultivators noted this as an important factor when selecting a nutrient line. This is in contrast to “product claims,” which just 8% of cultivators noted as among the most important factors in selecting nutrients. This could indicate growers rely on proof-of-work more than marketing in their decision making. “Price” is also significant in decision making, rated as an important factor by 42% of cultivators in this year’s study. More than one-third of participants indicated that nutrients being “organic” was an important factor in nutrient selection.

Chart 2 Fmt

Chart 3 Fmt

Chart 4 Fmt
Note: Totals exceed 100% because respondents could select all that apply.

Chart5 Fmt
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