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Cannabinoid Discovery
Beyond Bag Appeal
Growers pride themselves on their bud’s appearance, but markets exist for cannabis products that don’t necessarily catch the eye.
Minor Cannabinoid Research Roundup
A look at what 2020 taught us about CBC, CBN, CBG and THCV.
How Marketable Are Minor Cannabinoids?
Brightfield Group’s Jamie Schau highlights opportunities with CBN, CBG and other lesser-known cannabinoids.
3 Tips for Increasing Secondary Metabolites
Why running careful experiments is key when testing how to boost cannabinoids, terpenoids and other secondary metabolites.
New Research Looks at Hemp-Sourced Cannabinoid, CBM
Recent research by a team of Italian scientists examined the minor cannabinoid known as cannabimovone and its ability to engage with a receptor type that helps regulate both metabolic and immune functions with implications for future investigation into its use in the treatment of a variety of disease states.
Inside Colorado State University’s Plans for a Cannabinoid Research Center
Researchers will identify and study various types of cannabinoids in order to determine what they could be used for, as well as the best way to formulate them into products.
Newly Discovered Natural Cannabinoid THCP Offers Greater Potency Than THC
Recently published work from an Italian research team describes how THCP may help scientists understand why some cannabis chemovars are more potent than others.
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