Minnesota Regulators Accepting Public Comment on Adding Qualifying Conditions to Medical Cannabis Program

Oct. 5 is the deadline for feedback.

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Atomazul | Adobe Stock

The Office of Medical Cannabis within the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is accepting public comment on adding qualifying conditions to the state’s medical cannabis program.

According to the department’s website, the petitions for new qualifying conditions that are under consideration are gastroparesis, irritable bowel syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder and opioid use disorder.

Written comments can be submitted via email to [email protected] or by U.S. mail to the Office of Medical Cannabis at PO Box 64882, St. Paul, MN 55164-0882.

Oct. 5 is the deadline for feedback.

RELATED: Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Patients Can Access Edibles Starting Aug. 1

The MDH accepts petitions from the public annually in June and July to add qualifying conditions and delivery methods to Minnesota’s medical cannabis program.

This fall, the department will send all eligible petitions, scientific reviews developed by MDH staff members and written public comments to Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Review Panel, which will then meet on a to-be-determined date to review the materials.

The panel will provide the state’s Commissioner of Health a written report of its findings by Nov. 1, and the commissioner will then approve or deny the petitions by Dec. 1.

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